World Cleanup Day

BRUSSELS – 17 September 2023 – On 16 September, to mark World Cleanup Day 2023, around thirty young people from our children’s classes and junior youth groups in Brussels and Ixelles took to the streets in a major clean-up operation.


“The betterment of the world can be accomplished through pure and goodly deeds”. This quote from Bahá’u’lláh, the founder of the Baha’i faith, inscribed on their jackets, reminded the children that through acts of service, however small, they can make a tangible contribution to the physical well-being of their communities, that they are agents of change.


This clean-up operation, initiated by the local authorities, was very positively received by the residents, who were sometimes surprised by the enthusiasm shown by our young people. This type of action helps to raise awareness among local residents of their responsibilities as members of a community by following the example of young people.


The junior youth programme is an educational programme aimed at helping children aged 11 to 15 to develop their own abilities and talents, their spiritual qualities and their social conscience. Service is a central element of the programme, and junior youth are encouraged to get involved in activities for the good of their community or neighbourhood.

Together, the junior youth reflect on the specific needs of their neighbourhood and carry out a variety of activities, such as
– Helping the elderly or disabled
– Taking part in clean-up or recycling projects
– Supporting humanitarian causes
– Engaging in awareness-raising activities
– etc.

Service is an opportunity for young people to learn to care about others and contribute to a better world. Find out more about the programme here (